Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Issues with September

Well...Life officially sucks.

Here is a recap of my week...

Sunday I turned 33...This is an up point...In fact the up point that the rest of my week falls off of.

Sunday, I loose access to my yahoo account entirely. This sucks...But it is the truth...So here, for reasons that I will not go into...Is a copy of the letter that I sent the yahoo team in the attempt of getting my account back...

on second thought...Since it has a lot of account info that if it fell into the wrong hands would surely be the demise of my valiant attempts...Instead I'll post a different one I sent to Yahoo that day.

"I logged on to my yahoo messenger account on Thursday September 7 around 5:30 PM MST. I was on messenger chatting with friends until Friday September 8 around 1: 30 AM MST.

I next logged into my messenger account from a different computer on Sunday Sept 10 around 2 PM MST. I received an offline message saying that several complaints have been received that I was harassing people from Yahoo Security. There was a link in the message that I clicked on to give me more information. It was a yahoo web address....But the page would not load. I was on my way out so I logged out of my account. Since that time I have not been able to log back into any of my yahoo accounts.

I cannot log into my messenger, my 360 or my e-mail.

Like I said earlier I have been using Yahoo as an email and messenging service for well over 10 years (I think it is almost 13 now). I would like to have access to my account again. If there were harassment charges filed against me I would like to know who filed them and why, since I rarely speak to anyone not already on my friends lists. "

Monday, September 11, my manager fired 2/3 of the team.

Tuesday, Hanna tells me that she works on Wednesday so she cannot go with me to file the paperwork for our divorce. In this case the word file is used to mean file and sign.

Wednesday, I run out of cigarettes and find that Yahoo STILL hasn't gotten to my case, even though they say it is a 12 to 48 hour turnaround and restoral.....What's more is that they have no way to contact the security team except by e-mail....Even their manager cannot contact the management of the security team.....DUMB!

Even in my management classes at BSU (Bozo State), we learned that a company, especially a communications company, needs to keep lines of communication open so that issues can be resolved quickly. Hell, I even wrote a paper on how well Yahoo covers this in their own company....And as it turns out, it was all propaganda....Every report loosed by the heads of Yahoo have been an attempt to brainwash the masses in order to hype their own company and peddle their wares....Its starting to remind me of one of those old side-show-con-men jobbies....

Anyway...I am really looking forward to this weekend...The last SCA camping event that I can go to this year...and who knows maybe I can sell a hat or two as well ;)